Sec Hayai congratulations with line honours of the 500mile 2016! Second in the harbour was Joost&Vrolijk, third Greyhound. the rest also finished but waited for the tide to enter the harbour! Welcome in the UK to all! only the GBR Sigma’s are not there yet.
Insomnix, after the finish line ankering before the harbour entrance- picture made by Madelon Kuiper – Crazy D
Kasper of the Greyhound; “It was a tough race, wind-no wind- wind- no wind, a lot of wind shifts; so tactical it was very challenging. Every time when we sailed a nice leg the wind changed or died and all the others came back” -Hé verdikkeme daar is de Jager weer-
The tide has changed so the boats entered the harbour. I suppose all the skippers are drinking their well earned pints and curious about the results. me too!